Dogs Playing Poker

Age 49, Male

Freelance artist

Ahuntsic College

Montreal, Canada

Joined on 7/26/00

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Back in NG' TOP 50

Posted by Sirkowski - December 6th, 2007

For the first time in years, Miss Dynamite is back in Newgrounds' Best of All Time TOP 50! Sitting presently at #7, I don't think I've ever got that high. Miss Dynamite has been on Newgrounds for so long, I sometimes feel she's forgotten, since she can't have the appeal of something new. In french we say, "faire partie des meubles". That means you're part of the furniture; you're usefull, but not aknowledged. But I guess I was wrong to feel that way. I'm gonna open a bottle of Diet Coke to celebrate. Thank you all for voting. I know it sucks that I can't do big updates more often. Animation is such a bitch, you work months for 3 minutes of entertainment. It's not much when compared to the 40 minutes a week a show gives you on TV. So I appreciate your patience. Thanks to Kagome, Mizura and Tomamoto for the voices. Thank you also to Michelle (Sharem) who helped me in the old days when I had so much more time to work on these, not having to pay a rent. Miss Dynamite will be back with episode 24 (I'm done with roman numerals), introducing Twiggy, a girl who appeared in the print comics only, plus a new characters named Mao-Mix.

(Obviously, shooting an AK on Newgrounds is done is jest. :-p i love NG! Just in case someone wouldn't understand satire.)

Back in NG' TOP 50


first comment.
aw yeah.


also, great that its up there, fanboys have just pushed flashes like your out of the way, while fan flashes make it up there, but i am glad it's up there, i LOVE miss dynamite.

All your movies are underrated.

Compared to "The Ultimate Showdown" which is nr. 47 at the moment, your movies wipes the floor clean enough to see though it (that's a good thing ^^)

Keep on being awesome!

I'm not dissing the other movies though. There's gotta be something for everyone and the places under the spotlight are limited.

Great job! I've been a fan of the series and the animation produced in each one is quite remarkable! Again, congrats. 7th of all time must feel pretty good XD (most I ever got was 48th of all time, for like a day)


48th is awesome. Think of all the movies on Newgrounds. Tens? Hundreds of thousands?

Yeah, I saw that too! Awesome job, Sirkowski! and I'm very curious about this Mao-mix character...

At least your obvious T&A ploys are done sparingly unlike some other overrated artists like Illwillpress or Zipperfish. Just goes to show that the only true measure of what's "Best of All Time" is best left to the individual.

forget my last comment. It's your moment of glory, enjoy it.

Enjoy the top 50 while it last ! =/

Je savais pas par contre que Ms Dynamite était en fait réalisé par un québécois :P

Et le savoir est la moitié de la bataille, yo joe!

Hope ya stay in top 50 for a long time, ur animations are well drawn and animated and the Punani name pun is freaking funny XD ill help ya stay in top 50 for longer by voting it everyday if u dont mind

Bonne chance dans ton prochain projet =P

''Faire partie des meubles''?? J'ai jamais entendu ça :P

Continue to work on Ms.Dynamite,I really enjoy them!

Hay whats French for "Screw the crappy animations just make some more Digimon porn!"?


im glad u got in the top 50, but the way things have been lately, it probably won't last more than a few weeks at most before it gets pushed off by something less deserving....

I'm cool with that, nothing lasts forever. And that'll push me to make new episodes.

What does T&A stand for?

Tits and ass.

Great to see a Ms.Dynamite get what she rightly deserves!
I've been a big fan of the series for years, and you definitley deserve the 7th position on that board.
Vae Vicits to crappy flashes!
P.S: LordOfKetchup, it's sad when you can't even correctly spell your favorite words, leave constructive comments, or at least be sparsly litterate, please.

Damn, my wishes to see Eva and Blackie came back to the Portal are filled now!
And you 7th rank is merited!

That's what I call "faire un tabac" ("kick some ass" for those who don't speak French)

Le-Gaulois, a French fan of yours

i want to see them naked! lesbian style!!! 4 sum!

I'm probably an idiot for asking this but, you drw this stuff right? Seriously when you can draw stuff that well and animate it too, you should be known to WAy more people!

Well, being a good artist doesn't mean you're a good... uh, what's the word, businessman? Or advertizer or whatever. Anyway, I suck at that.